Teacher/Volunteer lunch at Dr. Charles Drew Elementary!

Teacher Franklin and Group 1.09.15 Teacher-Vol Lunch 2

Second-grade teacher Dr. Vidrale Franklin chats with new volunteer Taylor Lanfried, Literacy Specialist Jessica Blundell and Program Coordinator Shaina Steinberg.

Thank you for a great turnout at our teacher/volunteer luncheon. You offered insightful feedback about the Volunteer Literacy Program and we enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate the work you do!

So far we’ve placed nine volunteers to serve 16 students in kindergarten and second grade at Charles Drew.

Here’s what kindergarten teacher Christine Melia had to say about the program so far:

“Chris has Headshot Teacher Christine Meliabeen helping my two students with letter recognition, sound recognition and moving up a level in reading. So, they practice their guided reading books together. They practice ordering the letters together. They do sight word practice and lots of word work too. It’s really helped both of my students progress.

At the beginning of the year I was very concerned that they wouldn’t progress to first grade next year and now I’m confident that they will both be going on to first grade, because now they know their letters. Now they know their sounds. A lot of that I really owe to Chris.”

Volunteer Linda and Teacher Bender 1.09.15 Teacher-Vol Lunch

Volunteer Linda Fawkes with second-grade teacher Kemet Bender at the luncheon.

One thought on “Teacher/Volunteer lunch at Dr. Charles Drew Elementary!

  1. It was so great to hear all the positive things happening in with students and volunteers, but also hear ways we can make the program even better. Thanks to all the teachers and volunteers who were able to attend!

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